Soulful Sea for MATS Bootcamp June assignment

My entry for the June Gallery for MATS Bootcamp on Lilla Rogers website

The June assignment for MATS Bootcamp was delivered at the beginning of the month, and it was a welcome theme and assignment; a Sea/whale theme for a Wall Art assignment. Originally, I had thought I would create a painting onto board, but since I have been obsessed with hoop art lately, well... it only made sense that's how I would work out the assignment. 

Here's my process:

I ran out of time to stitch the text in place, so thanks to a bit of photoshop/Studio editing, the text was easy to overlay on the top of the photo. And, thanks to the talented and Photoshop savvy teens in my life, namely my son, Kyle Hebert, the image at the top of this post was created and uploaded just in the nick of time to the classroom gallery on Lilla Roger's site. Whew! It becomes a lot of work as the clock ticks down to the deadline. Isn't that always the way it goes?!

I always enjoy the way these assignments stretch me out of my normal comfort zone. Heck, even I need a break from birds from time to time! (I can't even believe I admitted to that fact!)

Check out Lilla Rogers Bootcamp studio school by clicking here. If you are an artist who likes the occasional kick in the pants, and to stretch yourself, you will love this class. I promise!


A brand new website!

Woo hoo!!! I have finally accomplished something very big that I have been wanting to do for years; set up my own website, and be able to manage the content myself. This is a big deal for me, and I feel very proud. I have to also attribute my fantastic helper, Camille, my recent High Tech High intern, for getting the ball rolling for me.

I hope you will navigate over there, and take a little tour. Then, make sure to pop back here and tell me what you think. Optional of course, but if you do, I will email you a free download. And, I am warning you... it's super cute :o)


I am featured in Patchwork & Craft!

It's always such a thrill to open the mailbox and find a craft mag with an article on needle felting, and. OMGosh, when it features you... Bonus!!! This beautiful magazine, Patchwork and Craft Handmade even put my photo on the cover! Oh holy heck!

The editor of this magazine found me through my Etsy shop. Many people have found my work on Etsy, and in fact, the last couple of magazine article feature requests have come directly from Etsy. So, for all you working artists out there... get your work on Etsy. Seriously, people.