I'll be at the Contemporary Crafts Market this October 26-28, 2018


Did you think I'd fallen off the face of the earth? Nope... still here :o)

I am still working for NAMI San Diego and was recently promoted to my dream-job position: Program Manager for the Children, Youth & Family Liaison. This is really fantastic news, for it allows me to put my heart, soul, and passion towards helping families to survive and thrive while navigating a child's mental/behavioral health concern. After working for NAMI SD for the past two years, I can officially say this is truly where I am meant to be right now. 

That said, it doesn't negate my need to repurpose, re-sew, needle felt, and stay connected with my art studio. Whew, right?! I still struggle with staying connected to all my passions, and this is the best way for me to navigate this right now. NAMI during the week, and Studio time on my days off and weekends. Works for me!

I applied to and was accepted to the 2018 Contemporary Crafts Market in Pasadena. Hooray! I am really excited to be doing this wonderful market once again after my positive experience in 2016. I can honestly say this was the best market I have done, and I am looking forward to going back. So, I am extra busy, busy prepping in my studio during each free moment I have. 

Please mark your calendar and come visit me this October 26, 27 and 28 at the Contemporary Crafts Market. I will have my "cutes" as always, will have plenty of lovely artistic wearables for ladies, children and baby sweaters, and will have a lovely new selection of Woodland Needle Felts. I can't wait to share them all with you!

Please follow me on Instagram, and see the very latest of my creations as I work on lots of new inventory for this market. Also, Custom Orders are currently CLOSED as I get prepared for the show. If you wish to be added to an interest list for when Custom Orders reopen, send me an email, or comment on this post so you will be among the first to know as soon as custom orders reopen. Thanks for your understanding!

Take care, and hope to see you soon!

Oh, Hello 2018!

2018! Well, that was quick. Where did you come from? We turned our backs for a minute, and suddenly, here you are!

                Lovely, luscious days pass; spring, summer, winter, and fall.
                Nights so dark, filled to the brim with dreams of my heart.
                Heaven and earth spin slow, then faster -
                Here we are suddenly, a new year at hand...

Sitting and pondering a new year. What dreams do I have? What are my goals? Is there a word of the year this year? (One can only use the same word - Trust - for so long!) It seems it is time to shake things up a bit.

My children are older now. TAY Youth is the language we use where I work - Transitional Age Youth, or that period between early teens and young adults. I joined an online workout group filled with young moms, and it helps me remember that time in my life. People told me my children would grow up quickly and the time would fly by fast. Man, they weren't kidding!

My #best9 from 2017 on Instagram

My husband and I aren't empty nesters yet. Though our youngest son has gone off to college, there are still needs and growing up decisions to make. Some made successfully, some with a teenage brain still in the driver's seat! I think the model of teens going off to college is quite nice. It's a gradual sort of leaving home. By the time they are at home for summer or winter break and then it's time to return to school, and though you know you will miss them madly, it's kind of nice seeing them head back to school. And then you get your life back to yourself for a while. 😊

Our older son and his girlfriend, who is living with us too now - it seems we've GAINED another - 🙄  they are taking a bit of a different path. Well, life is certainly always an adventure, isn't it?! My husband and I have always known this one just needs more time. It's all good...

My word of the year seems to be emerging and I think it will be this one: 
I have always been a pretty passionate person in many aspects of my life. I think this year I am looking for more purposeful passion. Meaning taking the job I am doing, whether it is hard or easy, fun or less than, I want to bring a passionate approach to all things I allow into my life this year. Whether it's something I am doing at home, at work, or in my studio, I really want to feel the passion in the doing. 

Do you have a word of the year this year? Please let me know by leaving a comment!

My goals and dreams for the year are also formalizing. Though I am now working full time in my job at NAMI San Diego and loving the work I am doing so incredibly much, I have many goals and refinements I hope to put in place for Val's Art Studio. I have been paying attention to the pieces I create that seems to bring the most meaning to myself and others - this is the passion! 

Several shops that have represented my work have sadly closed this year, and my artist co-op in Coronado where I show most of my work may also soon be closing. I am not sad or worried about these changes, for I know that something even better is right around the corner for me and for Val's Art Studio. I just can't wait to see what it will be!!! One thing for certain is change is constant, right?!

What about you? I'd love to catch up! I wish I had more free time so I could spend more time with you here in this space. Working really puts a dent in one's free time. I miss you so much, please know you are often on my mind!

Take good care. Happy New Year!