Reality Check

I woke up this morning with my head spinning from little sleep due to crazy dreams and nightmares about my youngest son (who's spending a week at Surf Camp), nighttime sleep interruptions, even a rain storm (unheard of in So Cal in June). I felt disconnected and disoriented. Greg's mumbling of 'we're out of coffee' didn't help matters much. These types of mornings just start me out in a doubtful sort of way, a do nothing, go back to bed sort of way. Must... pull... myself... together. Stumble to the computer, and I found this in my inbox:

The most significant thing a woman can do to boost her self-worth is be conscious of her thoughts. Her thoughts inform everything around her. If she believes in herself, the world will too. Our most important job on this planet is to proactively clean up our thoughts.”

~Gabrielle Bernstein, founder of HerFuture

Ah, yes. Hello wake up call. I truly believe these words, and must remember to keep them in the forefront of my being each and every day.

Who is sending me these timely gems? Thank you, Daily Worth. You seem to have picked me right up out of the doldrums, and set me back in the right direction.