Big Huge Talmadge Hooray

Yes, and THANK YOU for such a successful day! Once again, I did not take any pictures... just too dang busy, but I have some great mental imagery to share with you. Now, use your imagination here!...

  1. Greg sitting in my booth at the start of the day while I ran a quick errand, stating to the first customers, "Noooo, I didn't make all of this..." (picture: eyes rolling!)
  2. My two booth neighbors staring in awe at the flocks of people coming and laughing at the rows of cutie Friendly stuffs. Neighbor comments, "Thanks for bringing so many people to this corner of the show, I love all the action!"
  3. Actual customer states, "How can this be recycled wool? It looks too Fresh!" (Uh-huh, I work my wool into submission, girl!!!)
  4. Number of people who wanted the Transportation Backpack on hold for Marcia: 6! I sold all the other backpacks. Note to self: Quit making the backpacks. They take me a full THREE days... (eyes rolling: mine)
  5. Appreciation purchases (by me) for some of the lovely work at the Talmadge show: 3. I would have shopped more if I had the time to get around and look. Will post pics of these very soon :o)
So nice to meet many new friends, and greet returnees, and see quite a few wonderful friends. What a joy, and for this I thank you!