I applied last year, but was put on the waiting list. So I worked extra hard this year to alter and tweak my product mix, as well as work on my photography skills (PLUS buying a very nice new camera), and it's all paid off! I am V E R Y excited about this show, because I think it fits my "Who", or the people who will feel good about supporting my work. I am just over the moon about this girls, can you tell??!!
Now, for all you Hoppers, I am going to spill the beans about my process on that sweet Birdy Box (more pictures are here)! Get ready...
This piece was inspired by the-most-darling-ever songbird pair that is nesting inside a corncob birdhouse at my mom's house. We have been watching them as they shyly build a nest and spend time inside that darling place. My mom commented, "That birdhouse is so old that it's got to be a mess inside!" and that's all it took for my mind to whir into action... a birdhouse on the front and a skimpy messy place for the nest "inside"....
Sadly, I did not take any photos during the making of the piece, so you will need to get your "visualization glasses" on. Are you ready?! (Remember you can click here to see more photos of the project)
- First, I bought a 3 x 3" block canvas from Dick Blick http://www.dickblick.com/products/blick-studio-artists-boards/ Somehow I don't see the 3 x 3 size on their website, but I found it in stock at the store.
- I gessoed it on all sides and inside the back of the box
- I used tissue paper and printed it with cursive writing stamps to look like the tissue paper Junelle used in her video. I Mod-Podged the tissue in place
- I cut scraps of fabric and glued them down in a pleasing tree arrangement on one side, and made a bird house on the back side.
- I used Christy's rad pen to outline and define all the fabric scrap shapes
- I added buttons and leaves I cut out of felt, plus a cute yarn bow on the birdhouse
- I added some text I cut out of the magazine, or if I couldn't find the right sentiment, I drew it on a piece of paper and cut it out. I Mod-podged these in place
- I gathered up a bunch of fabric scraps and using that super duper fun Tim Holtz stapler, I just stapled them all together, then glued the nest into the box
- Then I needle felted the sweet birdy*,
- I made a couple of wings out of my trusty fabric scrap bin (isn't it empty YET???!), and stapled them like mad
- Then sewed those sweet wings in place with some contrast embroidery thread
- I put the birdy in the box, and just lookit' her! She's ready to hatch a couple of sweet babies. Awwww!
* A note about needle felting... It's rather hard to explain, so I intend to make a short video to show how the bird is made. If you would like "notice" that I posted the video, just leave me a message at the end of this post and I will make sure to get the word to you the video is up so you can come back then and see exactly how needle felting is done, with great instruction and detail. People who take my classes say they learn so much from what I teach :o) I am so happy to share this with you too!
I thank everyone for the sweet comments you left on my blog. What an encouraging group of like minded souls we are. I am so happy to be in your company :o)
x, Val