Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to you and yours!

Don't forget, the Meet Your Maker show is this coming Sunday from 2-7 pm. Find out more by clicking here

Two new classes!

I am always so excited to announce new classes! 

Coming up with a new class idea is kinda like a mini birthing experience for me. Cray, I know, but it's true. Often it takes me several revisions of a project to make sure it's suitable for a class project. It's normal for me to make up something that takes me an hour or two to create, but someone who is just learning needle felting may take many more hours to make the same item. So, I do put a lot of thought and considerations into developing a suitable class project.

This cute owl is Halloween and Thanksgiving mixed up into one. Also, the "boo" yarn writing is optional.

Then, there's this adorable Snow Friend Class. I'm still dying over those Leg Warmers! They just crack me up, and make me Happy Happy Happy every time I look at him!

To learn more about these classes, and what you need to do in order to sign up, please hop on over to my website by clicking here.

See you soon!


Scrap happy

I often hear myself say the following phrase when talking with people about how I make my items:
"Nearly nothing goes in the trash bin when I'm in the process of creating!"
What does that mean? Well, truthfully, I can't tell you how many times I've thrown fabric scraps into the trash can only to go back over to that bin because those scraps are calling to me. Invariably, something more needs to be made with that trash those scraps!

The photo above summarizes pretty much exactly what happens.

Scraps can magically transform an embroidery hoop, and call for needlefelting to happen on their surface.

Scraps were the invention of most of my plush pals. This cute dude got a scrappy pocket, AND a removable heart!

I am the first to admit my scrap collection is generally all over the place, even though I attempt to assert some form of control...

There are sectional plates overrun with scraps (see the turquoise plate at the bottom of this pile?) I know. It's hard to find the plate...

I organize my scraps by color, and bag them in my used up fiberfill stuffing bags. How industrious, right?!

And, I have some special fabric bins which are filled up with.... what else? fabric scraps!

Eventually, things begin to shape up...

A garland made of scraps is the perfect Christmas tree ornament, don't you agree?! And look! Scraps turn into leg warmers for a snowman friend's stick legs. So, now do you get the picture?!

Happy scrapping!


Happy Wednesday!

"This Day" Mixed Media Assemblage by Val Hebert

Isn't it so?! 

I hope you are having a happy Wednesday, a good week, an exceptional month, a year that is working out to be one of the best yet. It's all good, so very good... just one worthwhile, beautiful day at a time :o)
